Kaj upoštevati pri nakupu novega telefona

Which new phone should I buy?”, is what I get asked very often, and usually it is not an easy question to answer. As so many different phones get released every year it´s definitely not an easy choice. But it doesn´t have to be this way. This is why we have listed a few guidelines to help you choose your new phone.

What is my budget?

For those of you that budget is not a problem and would like to get the best of the best. Good news, getting the flagship model from Samsung, Apple, Huawei or some other brand will definitely not be a bad choice. 

But for those of you that are on a budget or would like to get the most for your money, start by setting a budget. If your budget is around 400-500$, the high-end modes are not an option, however this doesn´t mean you cannot get a very good phone. Budget from 400 to 500$ is usually a very good compromise between the price and the quality. If your budget is lower than this, don´t worry. You can still get a good phone for this price.

If you don’t want to spend $1000, you’ll have to make a few compromises.

What do I really need?

The next step is to decide which features are important to you and which ones you’re willing to live without. Most important features you should consider are the battery, screen, camera, or other features like headphone jack, speakers, water protection, …

For example, if you travel a lot you will probably prefer a phone with good battery life and quality camera. If you play a lot of video games or watch videos screen quality and size will probably be important.

If you make a few calls per day and send a few texts now and then, don´t buy a flagship phone. It will get a job done, but it´s definitely an overkill.

If you make a few calls per day and send a few texts now and then, don´t buy a flagship phone

Our tips:

Buy an older flagship model

You can get an older model for much lower price. Usually new phones get slightly better features and performance than older ones, which makes older model a very good compromise. 


Buy used or refurbished phone

Some people don´t like to get a used phone, but it is usually a very good bargin. You can save more than 50% on a phone that hasn´t been used for more than one year, however just make sure to check that everything works as it should.


Check the reviews

Reviews will easily help you find out if the phone is any good or worth the price, so check what it is like, before you will regret it.

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